Immigration Service

Relocate your international
employees with ease

Start a new relocation case with a single click and let your friendly internal or external immigration experts provide a pleasurable experience for your hires.

Select one of the visa application forms available in the ShareID library. These forms have been created by immigration/relocation experts and are updated regularly to keep abreast of changes in regulations. The forms can be customised.


Manage the dataflow for the
relocation from a single place

ShareID streamlines your workflow by helping you collect the required (verified) personal data in an automated and privacy-compliant manner. By enabling new hires to sign the required forms and download visa information, they become aware of relevant rules and regulations while you as a business meet necessary privacy and employment conditions. All achieved in just a few clicks.

Moreover, ShareID encourages your employees to share verified data, thereby minimising the risk of fraud.

Save time, automate repetitive tasks and provide a pleasurable immigration experience for your international employees.

Acquire a bird’s-eye view of
data collection

At a glance or in depth: view all your cases on the dashboard and obtain the data you require for planning.


Time you save with ShareID

Get in touch with us

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